dječji dresovi Novi menadžer Chelseaja Maurizio Sarri počinje se naseljavati

dječji dresovi Novi menadžer Chelseaja Maurizio Sarri počinje se naseljavati u svom novom okruženju. 59-godišnji talijanski trener zamijenio je svog sunarodnjaka Antonija Contea nakon dugotrajne ljetne sage. Sarri je završio trogodišnji boravak u Napoliju nakon što ih je transformirao u jednu najuzbudljivijih odjevnih kombinacija diljem Europe.

Vladavinu Chelseajem započinje predsezonskim prijateljskim susretom protiv Perth Glorya 23. srpnja. “Dijete u svakom od nas mora biti njegovano jer je to ono što nas čini najboljima”, rekao je Sarri na svom prošlogodišnjem predstavljanju. “Pokušaj stvaranja predstava koja se zabavlja prva je stvar koju treba dobiti. “Kao dio svog boravka u Australiji, igrači Chelseaja sudjelovali su u subotu na otvorenom treningu u Perthu. Uvid u Sarrijev trening. Navijači i mediji počašćeni su prvim pogledom na Sarrijev treniranje. Kieran Gill iz Daily Maila ponudio je fascinantan uvid u talijanske jedinstvene metode treninga.

Napisao je: “Počeo je [trening] s Chelseajevim igračima koji su se igrali loptom na leđima, proizvodeći dodavanja u jedan dodir kao da je to potrebno, prije zvižduka Maurizija Sarrija.” Odjednom, koreografiran kaos. Loptu je trebalo predati Jorginhu i cijela momčad bi se slomila elektrificirajućom brzinom, a potez je na kraju završio nakon što je Alvaro Morata zabio. “Vježba u tome kako se u osnovi kreće od natrag prema naprijed za manje od 10 sekundi, i to ona koju smo možete očekivati ​​da će vas pregledati na Match of the Day ove sezone.

“Kad bi zabili, Sarri bi viknuo:” Ponovo. ” Ako su propustili: ‘Opet.’ Ako su zabrljali na pola puta: ‘Opet.’ “Ponavlja se, ali novi šef želi da ovo postane druga priroda.” Ove ćemo sezone vidjeti sasvim drugačiji Chelsea. Snimka podijeljena na Twitteru Napolin stil nogometa pohvaljen je za sve nad Europom prošle sezone – i Sarri se nada da će ostaviti sličan dojam u zapadnom Londonu. Navijač australskog Chelseaja objavio je na Twitteru videozapis sa Sarrijevog treninga. Gill je dodao: “Jedna je vježba uključivala zadržavanje posjeda u uskim krugovima, barcelona dresovi prodaja dok su branitelji djelovali kao prasad sredina. Druga je bila vezana uz osvajanje lopte što je više moguće bilo na terenu. “Bila je i kratka utakmica 11-a, a obje momčadi igrale su 4-2-3-1 u prvom poluvremenu, a zatim 4-3-3 u drugom .

nogometni dresovi prodaja Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi have bigger trophy

nogometni dresovi prodaja Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi have bigger trophy cabinets than most football clubs.The mercurial pair have won everything from the Champions League, FIFA Club World Cup and Premier League to just about every individual accolade going.Few weeks go by without either Ronaldo or Messi posing with a brand new trophy or, at the very least, taking pride of place on the list of nominees.

That’s why 2018 seemed somewhat strange as Luka Modric ended the duopoly in the Ballon d’Or as well as collecting the equivalent awards from UEFA and FIFA.However, despite there being a strong argument that Modric enjoyed the better 12 months, nobody was saying that the Real Madrid midfielder topped his fellow nominees overall.The dominance of Ronaldo and MessiMessi and Ronaldo have achieved so much in their glittering careers that a place in the GOAT (greatest-of-all-time) debate is simply guaranteed.In fact, they have become so engrained in footballing culture that it’s almost impossible to imagine the game’s last 10 years without them.And that’s why UEFA decided to explore that very possibility earlier in January, assessing who would hold their various records if Ronaldo and Messi never existed.

Records without Ronaldo and MessiGiven their utter dominance in European competitions, seeing who would be collecting the praise makes for interesting reading. Check out their various findings down below:All-time Champions League top scorerAs it is: Ronaldo (122)Would be: Raúl González (71)Champions League top scorer for the most seasonsAs it is: Ronaldo (6)Would be: Van Nistelrooy, Lewandowski (3)Most goals in a single Champions League seasonAs it is: Ronaldo – 2013/14 (17)Would be: van Nistelrooy – 2002/03 (12), Gomez – 2011/12 (12)

Most Ballon d’Or victoriesAs it is: Messi and Ronaldo (5)Would be: Michel Platini, Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten (3)Most Champions League hat-tricksAs it is: Messi (8)Would be: Inzaghi, Gomez, Luiz Adriano (3)Champions League top scorer since 20072007/08: Torres, Drogba, Gerrard (6 goals)2008/09: Gerrard, Klose (7)2009/10: Oli? (7)2010/11: Gomez, Eto’o (8)2011/12: Gomez (12)2012/13: Lewandowski (10)2013/14: Ibrahimovi? (10)2014/15: Neymar (10)2015/16: Lewandowski (9)2016/17: Cavani, Lewandowski (8)2017/18: Firmino, Mané, Salah (10)

ConclusionSo, it’s fair to say the footballing world would look very different without Messi and Ronaldo.Football fans would be talking about the time Ivica Olic was the Champions League’s most prolific and will be wondering if Cruyff, Van Basten and Platini will ever be topped in the Ballon d’Or.It’s also pretty remarkable that Liverpool’s entire front three would have topped Europe’s goalscoring charts last season.At the end of the day, though, it’s the sheer alienness of the above records that demonstrates just how dominant Ronaldo and Messi ronaldo dres za decu have been over the last decade.Without the incredible duo in the game, records shrink and entertainment suffers.

Who do you think is the world’s best after Ronaldo and Messi? Have your say in the comments section below.